Running a web bot/spider that downloaded a very large number of pages - more than could possibly justified as "personal use".

Shadow/Assassin as a server is a server aimed at players interested in sharing, discussing and learning about the class. LFG/LFM, Klassen, Events oder zu den aktuellen Patches. Es gibt aktuelle Themen rund um SW:ToR, wie z. Wir heißen alle willkommen, egal ob Veteran oder Neuling. New players are also welcome to join, with game support offered! ĭer Tulak Hord Discord Server ist eine aktive Diskussionplattform für die Spieler des deutschen SW:ToR Servers Tulak Hord. We ourselves host many events, contests and giveaways. Come and join us in interesting topics, LFG, trade, and events. The Darth Malgus Discord server invites you to our European-English discord for the Darth Malgus Swtor server. Si vous rechercher un boss, des conseils pour un boss, ou si vous voulez simplement parler, n'hésitez pas à rejoindre. Le discord du Léviathan vise à rassembler les joueurs du serveur SWTOR Le Léviathan (le serveur fr). If you're looking for a group, advices about a boss, or if you simply want to talk, feel free to join. The Leviathan is aimed as a hub for all player on the Leviathan SWTOR server (the fr one). We serve as a centralized hub for Artists who want to show off their OCs from SWTOR, or Fan art from the Star Wars universe. Here is a list of different Discord Groups connected with SWTOR to help you get into a group that's right for you!