play until the lady killer part 1 where u shrunk and when the kid talk against you and it saves quit to main menu.

and the game saves quit to main menu and do continue campaign. when the boss is down and it says 4 hours later. instagib dont 1 shot the boss this time but u still 1 shot the ships and aliens. quit to main menu and enable instagib and invulnerability and then do continue campaign. Start the level and wait until the ship flew in the big ship and it saves. u should have now a mark on insane if u look in chapter select go out the elevator and wait until it saves again. u will see a loading screen and above the name of the level "damn its late". but now comes the part i discovered today but it dont work in al levels. go back to main menu en do continue campaign again the cheat will now be disabled. U have to beat the game on normal or higher to use this cheats. Note: everything is done with chapter select